An in depth check up at a cellular level
Metabolomic Analysis is a test involving the measurement of very small molecules - metabolites - in order to evaluate one's health condition. According to the Harvard Magazine (May 2011) “Metabolomics is the simplest and more reflective of the health status. It incorporates environmental influences, for example, from exercise and diet.”
Metabolomics takes it’ s name in accordance to other biology sciences adding the suffix –omics, which means the study of the relations between molecules of a similar group:
- Gen-omics: study of genes
- Prote-omics: study of proteins
- Metabol-omics: study of metabolites
The measurement of metabolites is one of the most accurate tests available for the tracking and detection of specific dietary, environmental and metabolic causes concerning insoluble health problems. State o f the art, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analyses, allows us to detect and measure chemical substances in infinitesimal amounts. (Tandem LC/MS)
Our body is an internal combustion engine burning carbon in the presence of oxygen, at 37οC. In order for these complex chemical reactions - that characterize the regular function of our organism - to take place, the presence of sufficient quantities of a multitude of components is necessary.
Through metabolomics and the measurement of basic metabolic markers, we can measure the end results of these chemical reactions - the metabolites - and detect precisely which of these are normally carried out and which either hypo or hyper-function.
The Metabolomic Analysis Profile assesses:
This specific test may provide us with evidence of vital importance for diseases such as:
The Metabolomic Analysis Profile test is carried out in blood and urine samples and in collaboration with one of the 5 top laboratories of its kind in the USA and Europe with the high technical standards required to carry out an exam certified by the European Research Network for Diagnosis and treatment of Inherited disorders of Metabolism (ERNDIM, the scientific institution with the highest laboratory standards worldwide) and the US Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Presentation of Metabolomics
Metabolomics Oncology